Friday, August 1, 2008

Day Camp

Day one (Monday) : research on the presentation topics began and we researched 4 labs that we were going to visit the rest of the week. We met with Xanthe Matychak who helped a lot with the general idea of how to set up the actual shows. She suggested things like using metaphors in our videos and going to the museum to just watch what type of people come and visit. At the end of the day we closed up our research and chris tasber nicely started a big debate on colors . It was a fun way to end the day , not.
Day two (Tuesday) : Topics for the space mission projects were picked and research on photons/black holes/stars continued. We visited nano power lab in which we learned a lot of new knowledge. After that we went to coffee with Stefi Baum who helped a lot in understanding the topics themselves. When we were done talking to her we met back together and talked about our day closing up our last thoughts of the day.
Day three (Wednesday) : The actual research for the space mission projects began today. We started power points and got that project going so that it would be done on friday when we would present. After we researched a lot we went to the CCRG lab and learned about relativity and the speed of light. It was very interesting and we learned a lot. We met two professors today, Dr.Ninkov and Dr.Robinson, both helped a lot in knowing more about our topics of research.(Ninkov helped with detectors and Robinson helped with black holes) It was a busy day but we learned a lot.
Day four (Thursday) : Today we attempted to finish up all of our space mission research and put the final touches on our power points. After that it was off to the SMFL lab, in which we got to wear our fun white suits to go into the clean room. It was an interesting experience but we all laughed through it all. Later we met Don Figer who helped some with detectors and just getting us going with the presentations. At the end of the day we worked on story boards and just closed up all of our research for the rest of the day.

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