Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 29th

Since we didnt write last week i'll update for then too. Last week we successfully worked through the scripting for the planets and galaxies, making it so that it can run in celestia! Today we took that scipt and put the narration in, in order to make the captions on the video. Also we began to work on the scripting for the black hole section and the formation of a star part. For now we are focusing on getting th general video down. Other objects and script revisions need to be made, but the rough video is beginning to take shape!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15th

Today we split up to work on diferent parts of creating the movie. Brad and Josh worked on learning the sound editting for the movie, eliminating the backround noices that could occur. The rest of us worked on celestia and its scripting/ creating new objects. Overall it was a successful 3hr day!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1st

Today we started writing scripts for Celestia and learning the scripting language. We focused on learning the .CEL version, but decided that .CELX is the better option. Next week will will focus on learning the language for .CELX and then hopefuly we will be able to move forward in creating scripts for our actual movie! Also we are going to write, in general, what commands we need to use in order to view our video the way we want it to be viewed.